Root canal surgery

Removal of Highly Damaged Roots and Treatment for Some Types of Bone Loss.

If bone loss occurs between the roots of teeth creating a small pocket called a furcation involvement, or if a split occurs in a tooth root, root canal surgery may be advised. These pockets and splits can become infected or cause significant pain. Root canal surgery usually requires that root canal therapy be completed on the tooth prior to the procedure. However root canal therapy also removes some of the support for the tooth. The effect of this lost support must be weighed against the probability of increasing the lifespan of the tooth and the costs associated with the needed procedures to determine if a surgical root canal is the best choice.

The root canal surgery procedure involves pulling the gums back gently around the affected tooth and separating and removing any damaged root from the tooth. The underside of the tooth is then shaped to allow access for cleaning and repair. Once the root canal surgery is completed the gums are replaced and the bone grows to fill spaces under and around the tooth root. For all practical purposes the tooth appears normal when the procedure is complete.